Art Show!
A huge thank you to the students in Grades 4/5 & 6 for all of their help with the set- up for F.W. Gilbert’s Art Show. I couldn’t have done it without them! The time and effort that all students in grades 1-6 put into their Art Projects, would not have been showcased as well without the cleaning/ set-up that went into it. I am so grateful! As well, I’d like to thank the Grade 6 students who made my vision of The Scream, a painting by Edvard Munch, come to life as a photo booth at the Student Led Conferences! It turned out exactly as I had envisioned it. All of the artists should be very proud of how it turned out!! The Art Show wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the grade 1-6 students, their artistic abilities and the willingness to try new projects, styles, media and techniques to produce visually appealing products. I am fortunate to teach these great artists!! You made the show a success!!