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Fall Harvest!

The JK and SK classes enjoyed some fall activities lately, as they harvested the vegetables grown in the FWG garden this past summer. Several large zucchini, butternut squash and spaghetti squash were collected, and are on display in the school lobby. The SK class even turned one of those zucchini into muffins in the school kitchen! Yum! On another day, they cooked and ate the corn they picked. The students also pulled onions, carrots and many, many beets out of the ground. We washed and ate the carrots on the spot. There's nothing like a fresh carrot -- and you don't get any fresher than that!

As well as harvesting all the vegetables, the students helped to pull all the vines and cornstalks out of the ground, to get the garden ready for winter. We also spent time collecting and examining all kinds of worms, slugs and other garden inhabitants. It's great when we can grow curiosity as well as food!

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