Student-Led Conferences
We are excited to welcome parents in to our school for Student-Led Conferences on the evening of May 5th!

Experiment Time in Kindergarten!
Day 1 - Today we did an experiment! We took 3 balloons and filled them with water and food coloring. The balloons were tied and we hung...

Fall Colours
Hopefully the warm weather they are calling for this weekend will uncover some of the beautiful fall colours. If not, you can see all the...

Festive Friday - Halloween Spirit
It was Festive Friday at FWG - our students and staff dressed to impress! Our school has had the smell of pumpkin in the halls all week...

Orange Shirt Day
On Wednesday September 29th, we ask that staff and students wear the colour orange to honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation!...

Terry Fox
F.W. Gilbert School is on board with over 9,000 schools coast to coast to coast to help continue Terry’s dream of a world without cancer....

Welcome Back!
Welcome to the 2021/22 school year - it has been such a joy to hear the hustle and bustle of our students back in the school!

Halloween Fun
Even though things look a little different around here this year, our students had a great time celebrating Halloween!

An Exciting Find!
Here is a little creature that our students do not get to see often! A student in our grade one class found this cute salamander hanging...

Welcome Back!
Welcome to the 2020/21 School year! Here are a few photos to show you how great the school is looking.