Building Contruction
Presently, the Grade 3/4 students, in their Social Studies unit on Mexico, are learning about different types of houses. The typical...

100 Days of School Complete!
It’s 100 Day! The Grade 1/2s are learning what 100 looks like!

Snowflake vs. Hail Experiment
Hmmmmmm.....which falls faster???? Snowflakes or hail? The Kindergarten class wanted to know. So, it was time for an investigation. ...

Can The Principal!
Earlier this month our staff and students accepted the challenge of collecting 500 items for the Lac du Bonnet Food Bank. In exchange for...

Gingerbread Man Adventure!
They measured and stirred and rolled and shaped. They put them in the oven and waited. Then the SKs came back to the kitchen to see empty...

Small Moment Stories in Grade 3/4
The Gr. 3/4's have been working hard on writing small moment stories. Last week we shared our stories with the Gr.4/5 class!

Book Fair SUCCESS!
A BIG thank you to all those who come out to support our Scholastic Book Fair. Your purchases helped our school earn over $1000 in new...

Mr. McMahon came to talk to the Kindergarten class about trees. We now know how to tell the age of a tree and what bark does for trees....

Orange Shirt Day
Dear Parents/ Guardians, Five years ago, "Orange Shirt Day" was started to honour the Residential School Survivors and remember those who...

Whiteshell School District Promo Video
Nestled along the shores of the Winnipeg River, the School District of Whiteshell offers an outstanding combination of quality education...